Expect What You Inspect

by | May 14, 2020 | Thoughts from the Week

During a time like this, a lot of people think that maybe I’m either bored or am attempting to drive them crazy because this is a time when I look at everything. Everyting meaning expenses, details, everything necessary to make both my career and personal life work.

What you find is, when things are really good, which they had been for a long time, you really don’t pay as close attention to every single detail or every little nuance of both your professional and your everyday life. But when you get to a time like this where there’s so much riding on every decision, moment, and movement, it is a time to inspect everything like you never have before.

And it’s not just about saving money. It’s about looking at the details, looking at the bigger picture, paying attention to everything that is going on. Again, not to be flippant about the past, but when things are good, and life is moving at a million miles per hour, you don’t have time to stop. You don’t even think to stop, nor do you need to. But, when you get to a moment in time like the one we’re dealing with right now in 2020 with COVID-19 disrupting our daily lives, you really get better and are able to make yourself better by truly inspecting everything.

Expect what you inspect now more than ever, and you’ll be a better person for it.
