John Paul Strong

Time Marches On

Pages Of A Red Calendar Standing Over Defocused Background Are Flying Away

As I write this on a Thursday night in a hotel room in South Texas, I think back over the week and all that has transpired. There was the enormous feeling of watching my girls go to school on Monday. Lilly Grace started the 2nd grade and Anne Charlotte started her first day of kindergarten. I was so proud to be there and walk them into school and take them to their classes where they will enter a whole new world for the next 9 months, and think about all the things they will learn and people they will meet. 

No sooner than I leave the parking lot with Amy and the boys to get ready for work my phone is already ringing, text messages are coming in, and a client is asking me why an update to his website he asked for on Friday hasn’t already been made. I stop.  Take a deep breath, and my world goes into perspective. The busier you become and more that you are needed, the more you have to be able to compartmentalize life and take care of the precious moments that you have in front of you. The greatest asset that anyone has in this world is TIME. It is limited, and it is something that you cannot create more of – no matter how much money you have.

Time marched on for Anne Charlotte this week.  On Sunday, she was “excited but kind of scared about starting school.” And now, 4 days in, she loves every minute of it. She will never go back in time to remember the girl who was scared on Sunday when we went for a ride in my car and she confided in her dad that she really didn’t know what school would entail.

Time marched on for Lilly Grace this week. She started the second grade… I remember the day we found out we were pregnant with her, and the whole world changed. When she was born, when she first talked, and now when she goes to her classroom, her friends wait for her and wonder, why are her parents are dropping her off?  She was so tiny but has now become so mighty.  She is growing day by day and the time just doesn’t stop.

Time marched on for our family, as there are people entering our lives and people exiting our lives and you just can’t hold back change. One thing I have never been afraid of is change. It used to scare me in thinking change may cost me my business, but now, with the fangs of a wolf, all change does is make me look for what else I can capture as prey. If it sounds vicious, then you are probably right. But I have learned that change will happen whether you want it or not, and time will definitely march on.