Pushing Yourself Beyond What is Comfortable

by | Oct 2, 2019 | Uncategorized

There is never a good time to miss a few days in the office to attend a conference. But for the last three days, that is exactly what I did. Being social and meeting new people is not always my favorite thing to do, which may surprise some people who read this, but it comes with the territory that I am in and is part of the life/job.

But, I pushed myself beyond my comfort zone to attend a series of meetings of a group of midsize digital agency owners to get a different perspective on how they run their operations. Leaving home on Sunday wasn’t easy either.  Normally a day I spend from sunup till sundown with my kids, which is also a rare occurrence, but I cut it short to catch a flight down to Florida to attend a meeting to see in what ways I could improve our company and myself.

Just like everything you do, you walk away with a couple of good lessons, and that is exactly what I did this week. There were no earth-shattering or ah-ha moments that blew my mind, but there were a lot of small incremental improvements that could better the businesses for my clients.

The best thing I realized while I was down there is that you can’t make the world stop for things you want or need to do. You simply have to adapt and work extra hard to push for things that you want to happen.  

And, as always, I got some good quotes and good sayings out of the week: 

“Some people are just coin-operated… Meaning, unless you are feeding them money, they are not interested.”

“Crying to someone who only agrees with your point is like forming a 2 persons’ victim group.”

“The cobbler’s children have no shoes.”
