One thing I’ve found is that a lot of things are different through the COVID-19 pandemic and crisis. It has allowed me so much more time to spend and connect with friends and people who, otherwise during the course of normal daily life and business, you just aren’t able to connect with, especially as I’ve gotten older.
I’ve talked to more friends and family members, really just from having more time. I think it’s been a very eye-opening thing for me to do – spending time with people and talking to people, even though most of the connections and contacts are calls and aren’t face-to-face. But it’s really been eye-opening about the people who are important in my life outside of work and what it’s allowed me to do with them. And I think as anybody goes through navigating a crisis such as COVID, you’ve got to always find the positive. There is so much negative news and anxiety that if you don’t always find a positive, you’re going to be in a really bad place. And one thing that I’m very grateful that has happened during this crisis is that it has allowed me to connect with old friends, lost friends, and people who otherwise you just don’t really connect with.