My Business is Change

by | Aug 17, 2021 | Thoughts from the Week

The one thing I have learned over the last 19 years in business, with 17 of those having my own business, is the power of change. This time 19 years ago, I was selling newspaper inserts to Pontiac dealers. Ironic now that there are few newspapers with minimal printed circulation and Pontiac has been gone for over a decade now. Even before the pandemic of 2020 hit, my business and my world were in constant change. Then with all the events of the last 18 months, change has never been as prevalent. I personally have never been so inspired by change as I am now.

Yes, inspired by change. Most people fear it, but I have grown to love it. The challenge you get from having to change a course or direction. The humility you have to have to say the way you have been doing something for so many years needs to now be done a new way, and your old way was wrong. The grit you must have to invest time and capital into brand new things that may or may not succeed, but you are willing to bet your money and reputation on them. The new people and ideas that you get to experience when you have no fear of change. These are the main things that I have come to love about change.

To me, maybe the easiest part about embracing change is the confidence to know there is always a way to make it work. Regardless of whatever “it” might be, there are people smart enough to figure it out and enough enthusiasm surrounding you to will something new to work. You never want to make a change for the sake of change – but as my life and business both continue to steamroll forward, the ability to see, accept and understand change may be the greatest gift I have been given yet.

Although it may be easier for some people to read than actually do – never fear change. Because change is going to come in a variety of different things and the more you are ready to embrace it, the more fun and success you will have.
