Keep It Simple

by | Aug 1, 2024 | Thoughts from the Week

You take some of the hardest things in the world, analyze them, and sometimes you find the greatest solution to anything is just how simple you can make it. When things get complicated in my life, both business and personal, I always try to go back to thinking about what is the simplest solution or simplest thing I can do to solve the situation. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. But I’ve always tried to keep things just purely as simple as possible.

Keeping it simple takes a big focus. Many times you overthink things in your mind. You think through too many scenarios, too many different outcomes, too many different ways to solve a problem, when usually the simplest answer is always the winner. It takes a very smart person to keep things simple, and the more I grow, the more I see, the more I come to know in this world, the easier I find that the answer usually lies in something simple.

Whether it’s a situation that happens to you or somebody else, you can usually look at the root cause and boil it down to one simple thing that can fix all your problems. Now, I’m not saying that everything in the world can be looked at in such a simple manner, but oftentimes I think as people, we overcomplicate things far too much. I think we rationalize and overthink things way too much. I think we, in general, just sit there and think about things way too much. Part of freeing your mind and freeing yourself comes with simplicity.

We’ve all heard the phrase “keep it simple, stupid” or the KISS method. I think there is a lot of value and understanding that goes into this. The simpler you keep things, the easier they seem to become. The simpler you keep things, the better your thought process is, and the more things you are able to expose and open your mind to. In a lot of ways, the simpler you keep things, the happier you will be.
