
by | Aug 23, 2024 | Thoughts from the Week

The more I go about each day, in each new journey in life, the more I realize the collection of stuff that you take with you. One takes stuff in the form of memories. Memories of childhood, memories of wonderful events, and sometimes memories of not-so-wonderful events. But your memories contain parts and pieces of your life that ultimately end up in what I call stuff.

Then you have stuff that is tangible. You have stuff like your house, your car, your desk, your computer, and your phone. All of these things are stuff that you have, and you interact with on a daily basis. They become a part of your life. What does this stuff really mean? This stuff, to me, is not about meaning but is symbolic of how you go about doing what it is you do on a daily basis.

Another element of stuff is people. Yes, I realize I’m referring to a human being as stuff, but if you’ll bear with me, you’ll see my point. People are filled with stuff. Good stuff and bad stuff. Meaningful stuff. Not-so-meaningful stuff. Stuff that makes you feel good comes out of people. Stuff that makes you not feel good also can come out of people. But you’ve got to realize and recognize that all people, just like yourself, carry around an immense amount of stuff.

And the last stuff, the last element of stuff, is all in your mind. What occupies your daily thoughts? What occupies your ambitions, your dreams, your prayers, your hopes? It’s all filled with stuff. Stuff in the form of where you want to be in five years, where you want to be in ten years. How do you want to be remembered when you’re gone? All of this is just random stuff. And the cool thing about stuff is there’s always more of it.
