The Winners and the Losers

by | Aug 30, 2024 | Thoughts from the Week

There are two types of people in this world: the winners and the losers. That is a very simple statement, yet something I heard a few months ago and have really been thinking about as I go through my days and weeks. I entered this week with a winner’s mindset, with the thought that what we are doing is the best there is. We are unstoppable, and nothing can knock us off of our pace and our place at the top of the podium. And then I went to work, realizing that to stay at the top of the podium, you’ve got to keep working, keep trying, keep trying to be the best you can every single day.
And I think that’s what separates people. If you look at people in the world today, there are truly two types of people: those who have a mindset that they’re going to win, that they have no other choice but to win, and those who question their ability and ultimately come out and lose.
This may offend some people by thinking everybody can be classified into winners or losers. But think about it for a minute. You either know going into something that you are the best prepared, that you are going to get whatever you want and you will win. It’s your challenge at all costs. And then there are other times you enter into something wondering if you should be there, if you can make it, if you can cut it, if you can hack it.
That to me is what the winners and losers are all about. Two types of people. One type of mindset. Are you a winner or are you a loser?

This isn’t to say that anybody in this world or in this environment is a loser, but it is to try to make people think that if you put your mind to winning, you can win at anything you do. If you put your mind that you may fall short of winning, you’re probably going to fall short of winning at everything you do.
I picked up this quote while in Europe over the spring, with the two types of people in the world coming out of all the European conflicts over the last 500 years. And it is true that those who set out to win and truly believe they can win more often than not will win.
