One year ago today, I stopped drinking. It was a personal decision in my life that stands second only to
accepting Jesus Christ, and the former would not have happened without His power.
Today is both humbling and encouraging in attaining this one-year anniversary. I share this event
because the turning point for me was having friends who were open in discussing their difficulty with
drinking – some still abusing, some already counting the days of sobriety.
My stopping point came after 28 years of drinking. My habit was not abusive, but it was too consistent
for my life, both personally and professionally. Would anyone have told me I had a drinking problem? I
doubt it, so the fact that the decision was made to seek help – it was a miracle. The struggle between
the reality of rehab versus the anxiety of wondering how I would be perceived going forward, was a
The tipping point [no pun intended] was a comment from former coach Nick Saban, a person I admire for
his career and character. In talking about what it takes to be as successful as you can possibly be, Saban
made the point you must remove from your life those things that take away from success. My first step
was entering 30 days of rehab, admitting “I am an alcoholic,” and one day at a time, focusing on all that plays a positive part in staying sober.
Am I ever tempted to take a drink? The answer is not really, because the truth is I am enjoying how I feel
more than ever. A better husband, a better father, a better son, a better businessman, a better friend –
at least that is how I feel this journey is growing me. I will never forget all who gave me a helping hand,
every step of the way.
If you would like direction for your personal situation, please reach out to a friend, a pastor, a local rehab
center. You are not alone. I will share in your satisfaction, success, and peace when you say the words,
“January 18, 2025 – one year ago today, I stopped drinking.”