Today, AI can say and do so much more, which is why AI is taking the tech world by storm in such a positive, productive, efficient manner. AI is found in autonomous self-driving vehicles, adapted by virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri, and a rapidly increasing presence in industries from farming to health care and more. Personally, it really makes me get excited about all the endless possibilities from everything that we deal with in life, and how they can be made better with AI.
Absolutely clear that some people may have a fear that AI and the robots are going to replace them in their jobs, but that is the difference between positive curiosity and unfounded suspicion – logic versus looking for something hidden and held back. I believe the person who thinks in a positive light, who will embrace using AI as a tool that can help you be better, more productive, and effective each day, is going to succeed.
Information loaded into AI can give us back hours of time spent on researching, for example. The time consumed meticulously gathering research takes away from the time that can be spent developing a solution, which can change and have an impact on our daily lives.
One of the most profound things about embracing change with AI happened on Tuesday when I heard somebody talking about what UPS did back in the early 2000s. They went from a manually-prepared module creating daily logs for packages to be dropped off to an AI-driven model. While still based on delivery location and size of the parcel, this was AI before AI was even thought about as AI, which possibly explains why it took UPS 13 years to master this change, but look what it did for UPS.
The current role of AI in the workplace is to replace dangerous and repetitive work. It is a positive when workers can become more efficient in all that they do. Yes, there may be some growing pains, but time will tell the story.