Connecting the Dots

by | Aug 23, 2019 | Uncategorized

Monday, it was a trip up to Washington DC. Tuesday, it was over to Southern Michigan, then on to Minnesota by the end of the day. Wednesday, it was Minnesota to Madison, Wisconsin and getting into Cedar Rapids, Iowa by nightfall. Thursday, it was Iowa to Atlanta. Friday it is Atlanta, then to my favorite spot to rest at the lake. Sunday it will be a drive back home from the lake to start it all over again.

As I travel at a faster rate of speed, my life truly has become all about connecting the dots. Connecting the dots is what I like to call moving from point A to point B. Some people read the above travel schedule and are amazed at how it can be accomplished. But for me, it has truly become the standard for a way of life. While connecting the dots, the phone doesn’t stop ringing and emails don’t stop beeping, and the problems tend to find you no matter where you are, but it is sure a fun way to get to live.  

The towns are all unique, and to me, there are no two that look the same.  This high-rate-of-speed lifestyle has allowed me to see a great deal of the country, but more importantly, it has allowed me to meet a lot of really fine people. Jeff, Ken, Dan, Kelly, Don, Andy, Matt, Shawn, Bob, John, Mark, Nate, Pat, Orrin, Gavin, Cory, Brad, Lindsay, Jamie, Murphy, Tyler, Wayne, Chris, Omar, Jim and Victor are the names of the people running or owning dealerships that I had the privilege of meeting with this week. I enjoyed my time with each of them, not just because they pay me money for my services but because I am genuinely invested in their success. While walking back to my hotel room after working out before 6 a.m. this morning, I thought about my day ahead. A quote I have heard before resonated with me that “if you truly love what you do, you will never work a day in your life.” That is very true because to me this isn’t work. It is just a series of connecting all the dots, helping people and having fun while in the process.
