
by | Aug 29, 2019 | Uncategorized

August may be one of my favorite months of the year. It’s hotter than hell and can almost be unbearable, but things besides the weather are hot. It is typically one of the best retail car selling months of the year. That creates a time when the work I do is the most fun.

Having the ability to be over multiple organizations, it is fun to watch the action. It is fun to see people hard at work with a lot of different task flying around all at the same time. Somewhere deep down, I love it when it is the busiest. It makes the time pass faster and just seems more fun overall. August is a very rewarding time for me because it makes me stop and take a look back over all I have built and worked so hard for and see true benefits from years of exhausting work.

It is rewarding when I call a client, like my good friend James Farrell who runs a Toyota dealership, and he tells me how great his month is going and what a difference I made for him with the direct mail that I sold him. It is rewarding on a Saturday night to get a nightly sales report from a newly purchased BMW store that one of our clients bought and see they had a great sales day. It’s rewarding when I see that my own little print company in North Carolina printed 517,118 pieces of direct mail. It’s just overall rewarding and gives you a great feeling even if you are on the brink of exhaustion.

Keeping this kind of pace isn’t for everyone. But for me, I love it and will take the rewards any way that they come – as long as they keep coming.
