It can be very tough to maintain a positive mental attitude (PMA) when you sometimes feel yourself slipping into dark areas surrounded by troubles and nonstop issues. Just when you think you have everything under control and life is happening as it is supposed to, you get dealt a whole new set of challenges that you may feel like you cannot overcome. This is when it is more necessary than ever to have a positive outlook on everything around you. This is a time when you have to not get bogged down in the problems of the world around you but find a way to open your mind and see past them.
Recently, I have struggled to keep a positive mental attitude that has been spurred on by a work-related issue. On-the-job performance has never been a challenge for me and really isn’t for those who work closely around me. But, an unusual set of circumstances over the last month in regard to one specific area of my work has become a source of daily, sometimes hourly, torment. While it’s not anything that I am not used to dealing with in our industry, the source and severity of this particular case has been rather surprising. It had me weighted down mentally pretty badly until the words of a close friend reminded me that there isn’t anything so important that it can change your entire outlook on the world around you. There’s not a client, not an employee, not an issue that you can’t find a way to get yourself around if you have a positive mental outlook on things around you.
Once I heard these words from my friend, it immediately made me feel better and realize that he was right. There was nothing to take so seriously that you let it crush your spirit or stop your mission in life as being a positive force to all things around you.
It is easy to get down. Get down on yourself mentally, get down on those around you or simply just have a down spirit. But, I have never accomplished anything while having a downward trend, and it is a good reminder that while you will have highs and lows in life, this too shall pass.