Why Your Kids Don’t Understand What You Do

Why Your Kids Don’t Understand What You Do

The other night, while putting my young son Ford to bed, I was begging him to calm down and get ready to go to sleep. He was ready to stay up and play and I simply told him, “Buddy, I’ve got a big meeting tomorrow. We need to go ahead and go to bed.” He looked at me with the weirdest face and said, “Dad, if you’re the boss, why do you have to go to meetings? And I laughed and said, “Someday, son, you’re going to understand all of this.”

The truth, and what I want Ford to understand, is that you may be at the top of the organizational chart, but you also have the responsibility that comes with that. It means the 12 hour days back to back. It means traveling late nights and weekends. It means all the meetings, all the stress, all the decisions that all have to be made in very short order.

Kids don’t understand it. And quite frankly, I’m kind of glad Ford doesn’t understand all that goes into my day to day role and responsibility. But it was funny to watch his face in amazement thinking that just because you’re the boss, you don’t have to really do anything. If you only knew the truth, which you will one day find out, it’s that the pressure and demands that come at the top really are what drive you to do better. I hope he’ll understand, and maybe one day he’ll read this note.

Keep Taking Swings

Keep Taking Swings

A banker asked me Monday morning how our year at my company was going. I paused for a minute, then said, Best ever start to a year, on top of a best ever year last year that followed a best ever year the year before.” I didn’t mean to rattle it off that quickly, and it was not something that I had rehearsed, but just came naturally as that is the truth. Since that interaction, I have been thinking about my comment over the last couple of days, trying to figure out why this is the case.

Then, while sitting at dinner last night out of town for work, my wife sends me a text that says, “Home run!” I knew my son Hudson had a baseball game, and then a few seconds later a video followed of his first home run of the season. While watching the video and wishing I was there, I witnessed the following:

His first swing was a great swing with lots of energy but a complete miss.

His second swing was a great swing with even more of a cut and a close miss.

His third swing had that sound of an aluminum bat going “ting,” and then the ball completely disappearing off the screen.

Then, all you heard was yelling and cheering, and the camera dropped because the person filming was cheering hysterically.


I hate I missed the homerun and the look on his face when he ran home, but there is one glaring lesson I have learned from this moment:

No matter what every day throws at you, keep swinging.

Regardless of how many times you miss, keep swinging.

Don’t ever let anything get you down, just keep swinging.


The reason that business is so good right now is that over the last 3 years, regardless of what has come at us or faced us, we just kept swinging. And the payoff is very real.

It Never Stops

It Never Stops

While flying tonight on a work trip, I was thinking about all the things that lie ahead of me for the week. While I don’t like to travel every Sunday, there is something cool about rolling out on a Sunday night to wake up in a new city on Monday ready to rock and roll. It’s hard to leave the family behind, but I never sleep well on Sunday nights anyway, so maybe this will be a welcomed change.

While watching the sunset out of my window, I thought more deeply about all the shit I have going on around me. I started to get nervous for a minute, then remembered that stress and anxiety are what fuel me, so it really isn’t a bad thing. For all the different challenges mentioned in my last post, they really are what drive me.

There is a phrase I started using years ago (“Never Stop,” which is kind of fitting for me) that resurfaces in my mind. I never really stop until I have to. Either mentally or physically, I sometimes hit a wall and then things stop, but unless that happens I just keep going and going. Each day, each week, each obstacle is a new mission, and it is my job to get around them and find the best way to get through them.

This week, there are vultures flying everywhere and certain tasks that I have to accomplish to get to the end of the rainbow on Friday afternoon. Each minute of each day will require decisions that have to be made, things that need to be said, and things I need to keep quiet. But all in all, it is what keeps the whole train moving. There are projects and people that will occupy my time and thoughts, but all can be managed by my greatest weapon – my cell phone. My phone is my lifeline in more ways than one – and a trusted advisor to carry out many things.

To everyone: enjoy your week. Of all the weeks you have in your life, this is one of them. So, you might as well use it to your advantage.

The Swamp is Filled With Many Alligators

The Swamp is Filled With Many Alligators

For the last couple of weeks, it has felt like I am wading through a swamp. And in case you are wondering, no I am not off on a hunting trip. 🙂

By wading through a swamp, I mean it is a period of my life and career that is culminating all at the same time with more intense projects than ever before. Every day, there is a fight of some kind with an alligator coming at me for blood. Now that is just a dramatic way to prove a point that I’m up to my waist in the swamp, and alligators are coming at me from all sides.  What are these alligators, in case you are wondering? Well, here is a start.


The Mothership

Our agency business is off to the best start to a year that it has ever been. Normally, January and February are tough, and things break loose by March. But this year, we took off out of the gate like a missile and show no sign of slowing. With 141 associates, we have the best team we have ever had to manage this growth and keep up the pace. It’s back to where the market is tough and the dealers need help, which makes it even more intense. Car dealers are notorious for being alligators, especially when they need traffic.



My new venture of owning a car dealership is a new learning curve every day. But it has proven to be a great way to grow my career and seek out expertise in another field that is closely tied to the one I know the best. While it hasn’t been easy, it is off to a great start. It presents new challenges daily, but we are having a blast. The fun thing about this project is that when my other job ramps down around 5 p.m. and on the weekends, this business ramps up – meaning there is never a dull moment. Alligators also swim after hours and on the weekend.



I am close to the end of building a house to move my family into and getting ready to sell a house that my family has lived in for over 70 years. We are thrilled to be close on our new house, and somewhat sad to be leaving the old one, but it’s time. We have outgrown it, and just like anything that is 70 years old, it is deciding to start breaking. The prospects of a move coming soon and selling a house are starting to create a lot of alligators.


Housing 2.0

My new neighbor where we are building is on the Homewood City Council. To say she doesn’t like me (or the historical home I tore down) to build my new one is an understatement. I had to fight with the city for the better part of 2 weeks, hire a civil ordinance attorney, and put my project on hold just to get a parking pad. People in Homewood sure love their sidewalks and greenspace. Alligators are also named Jennifer and serve on the city council.


El Rancho

Just as all the land clearing and building of roads, gates, and lakes had been completed, we decided to build a barn. It seemed faster and easier to hire a couple of “good ol’ boys” rather than a construction company that had a backlog for months or years. The “good ol’ boys” couldn’t add or subtract well, so all the measurements were wrong and had to be redone. They ended up getting fired, which left me without a finished barn. Alligators are also country boys who show up in Carhartt’s and worn-out t-shirts, smoke Marlboros, and say “I reckon.”


Air Travel

Even though I have flown millions of airline miles in my career and over 2,500 hours in private aircraft, I have learned more about flying, fixing, and selling airplanes in the last 4 weeks than I have in my 42 years on this earth.  Yeah, I know that sounds like a first-world problem to complain about, but talk about time intensive and stressful. Aviation folks are also alligators – only they wear Raybans.


Kids & Dogs

My homelife is like The Brady Bunch, where instead of 2 families getting blended, we blended 4 kids with 2 dogs. My house is utter chaos. The dogs are fairly low maintenance, only walking in the morning and evening and feeding twice a day. The kids on the other hand are all involved in an activity. Baseball, tee-ball, dance, and ballet. Yep – no two kids could do the same activity. So when I am not traveling, I am spending every night as an Uber driver taking kids from one practice to another. Then there is Ford. He is a 4-year-old animal the likes of which I have never witnessed before. On Sunday he turned on the hose, put it in the grass, turned the backyard into a mud pit, then proceeded to roll in the mud. Alligators are also 4-year-olds named Ford.

So there is my swamp, and those are my alligators. Next time you see me, just smile and say it’s all going to be ok.

Goals For The Year

Goals For The Year

One of the goals I made myself for the year was to give “Extra Effort ALL The Time.” As we are now almost two months into the year, I realize a couple of things. First, writing down your goals and looking at them every day is extremely important. And second, you are not going to be good at achieving all your goals. There are just some things that you are naturally better at than others, and I guess that’s why deep down we give ourselves goals so we can improve.

My goal of “Extra Effort ALL The Time” was aimed at a particular phenomenon. Some days, I get so passionate about details and projects. Other days, I just say “oh the hell with it.” But it is a motivating factor that drives me and has my whole career, which is why I care so much about getting things right.

Some people in the past have told me “no matter how good I do, it is never enough for you,” and they are right. I don’t mean that in a bad way. What I mean is that I always feel there is more that can be done, there is something that could be better, or simply a mindset of continuous improvement. It doesn’t fit well for everyone, but it seems to work in my philosophy, so I guess I will keep doing it.

Extra Effort ALL The Time hit me especially hard today, Thursday, February 23. Maybe it had to do with the date 2.23.23, which in itself is kind of cool. But nevertheless, it happened. While it was only a day trip to visit clients in South Georgia and Central Florida, it was going to be a long day with a charity event I was scrambling to get home to that my wife had organized. I woke up at about 3:30 a.m. as I sometimes do. Even though had an alarm set for 5:15 a.m., I couldn’t go back to sleep. As I tossed and turned with thoughts of exhaustion, I also felt hungry because between trying to help with all the shuttling around of kids from different activities the night before, I barely ate dinner.

So there I am, tired and unable to go back to sleep. Hungry with nothing to eat and the thought of an 18-hour day ahead of me. It was really hard to get out of bed, but I did anyway. I got dressed, fed the dog, and went to the airport. Tired as hell I climbed into the airplane and took off. It was nice of the pilot to pick up Chic-Fil-A so very early in the day. I got over the hunger part of the equation, but then I felt my heart start beating fast. Almost to the point where I thought something was wrong. So I closed my eyes – focused on just trying to slow my breathing and then heard the landing gear go down. It was time to land and get the show on the road. I composed myself, even as my phone was blowing up, to get what I needed to handle done before pulling into a parking lot at the very moment my meeting was starting. After opening the car door and walking into the dealership, my reflexes took over and I went on about my day doing my job.

After both cities and flying home, I realized today was a true day of working on my goal of Extra Effort ALL The Time. I didn’t want to go anywhere today, but I did. I didn’t feel like working this hard today, but I did. And sometimes it is just making it through this kind of day that gives you a feeling of winning.

Sometimes It’s Just Time to Go Hunting

Sometimes It’s Just Time to Go Hunting

As things get busier throughout the year, I always seem to find less and less time to do things I want to do. There are always new commitments, new projects, and new needs across everything both in my personal life and in my career. But as the job gets busier, I seem to find that, occasionally, it’s time to go hunting.

I’m leaving this afternoon, the sun is out after many days of rain, and the weather has turned cold, so the deer should be moving. I’m taking my kids, who have now found a real sense of loving to hunt, and I’m going to spend the afternoon – when I really should be working – taking time to spend with them doing something that we’ve all really grown to love, and that is hunting.

Now, we may be successful and shoot a big deer. We may not be successful. We may just sit there and freeze. But it will be an afternoon doing something I really enjoy with the people closest to me. Even when the world gets crazy, even when you don’t feel like your head is above water, even when everything doesn’t seem like it will go on without you – remember that sometimes it’s just time to go hunting.

Birmingham CEO Purchases Ford Dealership

Birmingham CEO Purchases Ford Dealership

I was recently interviewed by the Birmingham Business Journal on my dealership purchase. The full interview is available here, and the press release is below.

BIRMINGHAM, Ala., January 13, 2023 – John Paul Strong, owner of Strong Automotive Merchandising, has recently become an owner of Hunter Ford in Marion, Indiana. 

Originally known as Southworth Ford, the dealership is now under new ownership and has been rebranded as Hunter Ford. The deal came into effect on January 1, 2023, when John Paul partnered with Jed and Meghan Hunter on the purchase. 

The dealership generates an average of $40 million in annual revenue, making it a top tax contributor to both Grant County and the City of Marion. 

John Paul’s new role as an owner of Hunter Ford will combine his decades of automotive acumen with the strength of his Birmingham-based advertising agency. He will continue to serve as Strong Automotive Merchandising’s top executive and put his team’s resources behind Hunter Ford’s rebrand and growth. 

“From the beginning, I knew that Hunter Ford’s strength was its people,” John Paul said. “I want to build on that strength and reinvent the customer experience at the dealership. We will continue to grow and evolve the family atmosphere while pushing the business into the future.” 

Hunter Ford offers the people of Central Indiana a complete line of new and pre-owned vehicles, along with a Ford-certified parts and service center. 

You’re Only as Good of a Manager as You are a Checker

You’re Only as Good of a Manager as You are a Checker

Some people think that I get downright hard to deal with if the year rolls over to a new year. It’s true. January is like a total reset for me, both in business and personally. But the thing I love about January is it reminds me to always emphatically inspect the details. You can make or break your career and your success by getting lost and not paying attention to the details. I was taught from a very early age that you are only as good of a manager as you are a checker. Not to distrust what people give or show you, but to manage your own expectations by checking to ensure everything is being done at the level of accuracy you want.

It bothers some people. Some people don’t like being looked at. They feel that it’s micromanaging. They feel that I’m in their business a little too much. They think, why is he asking me these questions? or does he not trust me? or am I not good enough? That’s simply not it at all. What it has to do with is this: as a reset around every year, I reset and refocus myself, my goals, my priorities, and my aspirations for the year. During that time, I find it almost rewarding to be able to check everything that comes across my way and even ask about things that I’m not day-to-day involved in to make sure they are handled and executed to the best degree possible. You’re only as good of a manager as you are a checker. And when you manage a great deal of projects, people, and personalities, you find yourself checking things all the time.

The Last Decade… 22,683 was the Number

The Last Decade… 22,683 was the Number

There are many things that I don’t track or care about in my life, as time just goes by too fast. But one thing in business that I have kept my sights on every month for the last 10 years is the number of TV & radio commercials that my company produces. While I have been in business for 18 years, it was really something that never crossed my mind to start counting until 2012. But, once I did, it almost became an addiction to watch and monitor how it ebbed and flowed over time. It is not meant to be a scorecard, but rather something that I use for motivation and a reason to always keep pushing forward.

The count is clearly dominated by TV/web-based videos, with over 15,000 being of this genre. But why this number of 22,683 ads produced is important to me is because of the ability to continue pumping out great work and showing continuous improvement in the sight and sound aspects of what we create. There are moments of exhaustion and fatigue along the way, but they are far surpassed by the moments of elation when you turn out great work day after day and your customers love the work that you are able to produce.

Where is the business going or what is next? Nobody knows. But the power of video is driving more and more of what we do and consume as viewers. The smartphone has become the largest tool for online video consumption, which means there will be an endless need for the content that is created and what people want to watch.

The ability to conceptualize, create, and produce great content is both a talent and an unrelenting mental process that, to me, never gets old. In fact, it is one of the most desirable things about my chosen profession.

Making Yourself Vulnerable

Making Yourself Vulnerable

To start the year, I decided to try something completely new. Business has been great for the past couple of years. My life is chaotic with four kids and a lot of stuff always going on, but everything always just seems to fall into place. In the world we live in, where everything seems to be a disruptor, I decided to disrupt my life a little bit.

Beginning this week, I became a part-owner of a Ford dealership. It may make a lot of sense that in my business that would be a natural tie, but the two things are very separate in how they operate and function. It will require more people, more man-hours, and more of my time. But it gives me such a great sense of excitement to embark on something new when so much other stuff is going on.

I’ve always been a person who thrives on being busy. In fact, if I’m bored or don’t have enough to do, things can sometimes be more chaotic than they need to be. But, making myself vulnerable was something that I really wanted to do. I’m entering into a field that I don’t know, investing a very large amount of money, and putting a lot of trust in my own ability to do more than I’ve ever done before.

Vulnerability is not always seen as a bad thing, in my opinion. When you make yourself vulnerable, you see how much more you’re able to do, how much more you can take on, and even how much more you can simply handle from a mental standpoint. Cheers to 2023, where I’m trying to make myself as vulnerable as I can be.