No two dealerships are alike, but for clients we handle across the country, the attitude and processes that lead to success are compatible. This is a comparative analysis of two very diverse dealerships.
To keep this anonymous, Dealership A is a dual point, family-owned operation in a town of a little over 18,000; Dealership B is corporate-owned import store with a metro over 1.5 million, and as diverse a population make-up as you could imagine. Both stores are successful, aggressive marketers, and that attitude is reflected with their outlooks for the year-end, and heading into 2025.
Riding on the push from robust Black Friday sales, both dealerships are currently enjoying a good December. With enhanced year-end incentives, Dealership A added budget to push trucks in a retail TV message, a move easily accomplished. Dealership B is adding a drop-down to their website under new cars in navigation promoting after-sale vendors and accessory specials, a good digital move with increased online shopping.
Moving into 2025, their mindset is a mix of Back-To-Basics and Full-Speed Ahead. Dealership A feels they are most effective by focusing on “a little bit of everywhere…no secret sauce, just a good mix.” The 2025 goal of this store, as with many dealerships, is getting back to where they were pre-2024. How? By staying top of mind as the market picks up, and in a smaller market, is a very achievable, necessary goal.
The larger metro dealership will continue with its aggressive, consistent, direct mail program. As the GM said, “I witness people coming in with the mailers in hand, our strategy now needs to focus on expanding the ethnic mix.” That said, Dealership B is evaluating all avenues of Hispanic spend, “We need to measure the effective balance for ad dollars being spent – too little, or too much.”
The most-talked about tool for 2025 will be introducing AI into the industry’s culture and processes. Dealership B is interested in the AI products now available, but holding off until later in the 1st Quarter to see how corporate views implementing AI. Although much smaller in size and employee numbers, Dealership A is measuring the potential benefits AI brings, because no doubt, it’s coming.
Both dealerships are concerned about inventory levels, particularly for popular models that have not reached pre-pandemic levels. For the truck market, each store is looking at a significant branding effort to be top-of-mind as Truck Headquarters. On the question of EV, they share the feeling EV will not be a big deal in 2025, and will focus on gas vehicles
Reviewing the above comments from each client’s Meeting Reports, the desire is mutual to ‘Look Back’ to the normal days (if that is how pre-COVID can be defined). But with only weeks until the New Year arrives, enthusiasm for a big 2025 is growing. It is exciting to read how these two diverse dealerships are working to Plan Ahead, closing out strong, and preparing for the best yet to come.
Because big or small, success always fits perfectly!